Friday, February 18, 2011

What I wish new mamas and papas knew...

A first time, American mom gestates for 41 weeks +1 day.

Most doctors will start getting nervous at your 40 week appointment, or even before. They will say the baby is sumo sized or bring out the “dead baby” card to scare you into induction.

Obstetricians are trained surgeons.

The Cesarean section rate in the U.S. is 33%, and growing. That means 1 in 3 women will end up with a cesarean.

There are more than 40 countries where birth is safer than in the U.S.

That induction of labor is only a medical necessity if mother is ill, baby is ill or 42 weeks gestated are completed.

If they schedule your induction or cesarean, you are not obligated to show up.

Nutrition has a huge impact on prenatal wellness and birth outcomes.

Hospitals treat new mothers like a sick patient.

Nurses aren’t continuously supporting you; there is a high possibility that you will experience at least one shift change.

You don't have to undergo routine pelvic exams, you can keep your pants on!

That hospital gown they give you at check in? You DON'T have to wear it! You can wear your own clothes!

Postpartum depression can happen to anyone, and there are many ways to help you understand before and cope after the birth.

You can change care providers at any time during your pregnancy, and even during labor!

YOU are in charge of your birth! This journey is YOUR own!

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