Thursday, April 28, 2011

Breastfeeding Affirmations

It's OK to need and ask for help learning to breastfeed.

It gets better and easier each time I nurse.

I am making plenty of milk for my baby.

My new baby is learning to breastfeed with me.

In the next few days or so it will get much easier.

I am doing my best.

I am creating a special bond with my nursling.

I am providing my baby with the best nutrition possible.

I will try this one more day, week, month.

This too shall pass. My breasts were made for feeding.

My breasts are perfect.

Breasts are life-sustaining.

Without breastfeeding there would be no human race.

I will breastfeed, I can breastfeed.

Breast milk is life milk.

Woman has maintained and saved lives with her breasts since the beginning of motherhood. I am woman.

My breasts belong to me and my baby.

When my baby fusses, it is not a reflection of me, my parenting or my ability to nurse.

It’s okay if my baby nurses frequently. Babyhood passes quickly and this time is worth it.