Monday, November 8, 2010

Birth Doula Contract

Birth Doula Contract
What do I do as a Doula?As a doula, I accompany women in labor to help ensure a safe and satisfying birth experience. I draw on my knowledge and experience as a doula and mother to provide emotional support, physical comfort and, as needed, communication with other caregivers to make sure that you have the information you need to make informed decisions as they arise in labor. I can provide reassurance and perspective to you and your partner (if present), make suggestions for labor progress, and help with relaxation, massage, positioning and other techniques for comfort. I am independent and self-employed. As your doula, I am working for you, not your caregiver or hospital.
First Meeting
An initial meeting will take place between the Doula and potential Client in order to discuss the Client’s ideal birth as well as the Doula’s role. This is an opportunity for the Client and the Doula to share in the excitement of the upcoming birth and discuss how the Doula can best serve her Client. It is also an opportunity to discuss the various services and fees, as well as the comfort measures offered. Discussion of due date and development of a birth plan are covered during this meeting. This visit lasts approximately one hour.
Second Meeting
The focus is on relaxation. Relaxation is the KEY component to a speedy and pleasant birth experience. This is a time for the Client to express any lingering doubts or fears concerning the birth, in order to facilitate a feeling of confidence. The session ends with the Client’s choice of a guided imagery exercise lead by the Doula or a hand and foot massage, using aromatherapy. This is usually the final meeting before the birth, though an additional relaxation meeting after the due date passes (if applicable) may be scheduled at both parties’ convenience.
° $50 non refundable deposit due as a retaining fee, when you select me as your doula
° $150 postdated to after baby is born
° Make checks payable to Lindsay Brereton
Prior to the Client’s 37th week of pregnancy, and between meetings, the doula is available by phone or e-mail and will return messages within 48 hours. Subsequent to the Client’s 37th week of pregnancy, and prior to the Client’s birth, the doula is on call 24 hours a day. The doula is also available by phone for questions before and after the birth. This includes phone calls at 2 a.m. just to talk, or just to make sure that something happening physically or emotionally is “normal”. The doula is not only a pregnancy professional, but also a friend.
When you are in laborWhen the Client believes labor has begun, the doula respectfully requests that she be contacted as soon as possible, even if the Client is not ready for the doula to arrive just yet. This is so the doula may begin making arrangements for attending the birth. Once the Client has requested the presence of the doula, she will make every effort to arrive at the Client’s house or the hospital/birth center within one hour. We will also decide where to meet - at your home or the hospital. Except for extraordinary circumstances, I will remain with you throughout labor and birth.
After birth
I usually remain with you for one or two hours, until you are comfortable, your questions are answered and your family is ready for quiet time together. I would also be happy to help with initial breastfeeding if necessary.
Postpartum Visit
The doula will travel to the Client’s home within 2 weeks of her discharge from the hospital or birth center, or within 2 weeks of the birth, if the baby is born at home. At this visit, breastfeeding support will be provided. This is also a wonderful opportunity to discuss the birth experience. A personalized gift is presented to the Client. Depending upon the need, the Doula may also perform light housekeeping to assist the new family. The visit will last one to two hours.
Postpartum doula services can also be hired from this doula. These duties include light housekeeping, caring for baby while mom gets needed rest, and making light meals.
Procedures that are NOT performed by the Doula:
•Clinical tasks within the hospital environment
These include taking blood pressure, checking fetal heart tones, vaginal exams, etc.
•Making decisions for the mom or partner
The doula will assist with obtaining the information her client requests to make her own informed decisions. The doula will also remind her client if there is a departure from the Birth Plan, and will verify if this is, in fact, the informed decision.
•Speaking to the medical staff on a client’s behalf
The doula will discuss concerns with her client and suggest options. In the event of a deviation from the birth plan, it is the responsibility of the client to voice the final decision regarding medical procedures to the appropriate medical staff. Failure of a Doula to provide serviceI will make every effort to provide the service described here. Sometimes this is impossible (for example, with rapid labor). If I fail to make it to your birth due to either our error, or your inability to call me in an emergency, you will not be liable for the balance of this fee. If it is due to your failure to call me, payment will be owed in full.
Scheduled Caesarean ClauseOccasionally a woman will have something arise during her pregnancy that necessitates a scheduled Caesarean birth. If this decision is made two weeks or more before your due date, you may choose to cancel my services with no further payment owed beyond the deposit. Alternatively, you may choose to have me come with you to the hospital, accompany you during surgery or wait in the recovery room, and assist you with breastfeeding and adjustment in the first hours after your birth. An extra postpartum visit can also be scheduled at no further charge. In this instance my full fee will be payable.
I / We have read and understand this letter of agreement describing doula services and agree to all clauses contained herein. I/We do not hold the doula responsible for any undesired clinical outcomes.
Client Name: ____________________________________________
Client's Signature: ________________________________________
Client Name: ____________________________________________
Client's Signature: ________________________________________
Doula Name: ____________________________________________
Doula’s Signature: ________________________________________

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